Say Hello to Holland’s Summer Interns!

Say Hello to Holland’s Summer Interns!

July 25, 2024

Happy National Intern Day! We’re so happy to introduce you to our talented group of interns that have joined us this Summer.

Meet Allie DeMay! Summer 2024 Human Resources Intern

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I am an upcoming Senior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Communication and minoring in Psychology. I have been dancing since I was three years old and am currently on the Illinettes Dance Team at school. In my free time I like to watch movies, go on walks outside, and spend time with my friends and family, including my chocolate lab Maverick.  

 Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

I chose to apply for an internship at Holland because I was drawn to the genuineness in the core values and commitment to safety and cohesion. I’ve always been interested in Human Resources, so the importance of these values along with employee relations and collaboration stood out to me in a very positive way.  

 Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

I am happy to say that every day of my internship has consisted of learning different aspects of Human Resources. I have been working with different departments each week, such as: Benefits, Marketing, Employee Engagement, Leadership and Development, Onboarding, and general Human Resources. I typically start the day by checking my emails and connecting with who I am working with that day. I also check our recruitment site to see if we have had any new candidates and go through their applications. Depending on the day, I join team meetings, help with onboarding, interviews, or hiring, as well as writing disciplinary forms and other various projects.  


Meet Collin Barron! Summer 2024 IT Intern

 Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I am 22 years old and attend Purdue University Northwest in Hammond. I am going for a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Technology, minoring in Psychology and expecting to graduate in May 2026. I have been in the Indiana Army National Guard for just over 2 years as well as a Joint Fire Support Specialist (13F). I like listening to music and playing music whether that be on piano or guitar. I also like to work out (when I can get myself to do that haha) and of course spending time with friends and family.  

 Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

I chose to apply for an internship at Holland because I was really attracted to the company culture and the outlook the company has on the candidates they want to hire, it seemed like company that has great values. It also displayed that it would give me real exposure to an industry and would give me actual real experience. With this exposure and experience, I can truly learn and be taught aspects and workflow of an industry that textbooks or lectures can’t really teach you, and could hopefully teach others what I know! 

 Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

With the IT help desk, my work always revolves around the technology used within the company, but the actual work can vary, where some days I’ll be at my desk, and some days I won’t. When I first began, I was learning how to set up new laptops for new employees or employees who have requested/need a new device. This involves installing and updating a lot of different software, configuring the device on the Holland network, setting up antivirus, and ensuring all programs are ready to go (so that no setup from them is needed).  

Recently though I have been working on the process of completely wiping data from devices that were returned, for recycling of their components. The two stacks in the picture are all the ones completed so far. Of course there’s other things such as helping coworkers out and learning how different programs and processes within the IT department work, which is very valuable experience! 











Meet Cooper Wylie! Summer 2024 Purchasing Intern

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I am a senior at Purdue University studying Supply Chain & Operations Management. In my free time I enjoy powerlifting, reading, video games, and spending time with my friends, family, and girlfriend.

 Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

Holland interested me the first time I saw it on a list for a career fair at Purdue. It seemed to be a very unique company with an interesting product. It was also close enough to where I live to make it a great fit for me.

 Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

Everyday I start my day with the daily production meeting to give updates to the operations team on purchase orders they have made and to represent purchasing if they need anything from us. I then work on one of a number of projects I have been assigned, including expediting, sourcing, and making updates in our system, before our 11 am Purchasing stand-up meeting, where our department meets to discuss what we have all been working on and to ask questions. Then I continue working on my projects and may meet with our individual buyers on anything they need my help with or to discuss projects. That is an average day for me in purchasing.


Meet Jacob Vander Zee! Summer 2024 Rail Measurement Systems and Services Intern

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I will be a senior at Purdue University this fall, where I’m studying electrical engineering. This is my second summer interning at Holland. I live right across the border in Cedar Lake, Indiana, where I’ve grown up my whole life. Some of my hobbies include weightlifting, playing the piano, and sports. 

 Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

I have family friends that work or have worked at Holland who have always talked well about the company, and that heavily influenced me to apply last summer. I chose to come back this summer because of the great learning opportunities, innovative systems, and the people. 

 Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

I arrive at Crete a bit before 8 AM and briefly check my emails and teams chats for any updates or changes in plans. From then I start working on whatever project I’ve been tasked with. Some things I have been working on so far are preparing the Argus 2.0 System for certification testing, radar testing, GPS testing and documentation, and miscellaneous hardware fixes. I’ll usually bounce around from project to project during a given day due to roadblocks and hold-ups. I usually leave at 4 PM if I am at a good point to stop on the task I’m working on, and that wraps up a typical day for me at the Crete office.


Meet James Zhang! Summer 2024 Rail Measurement Systems and Services Product Development Intern

 Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

Hey Everyone! My name is James Zhang and I’m a second year computer engineering student at the University of Toronto! Apart from school, I love to run, play basketball and frisbee, and keep up with hobby electronics!

Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

Previously I worked on projects centered around GPS data including building mapping software from the ground up and working tons with GPS data. After seeing the great location based software and hardware that Holland creates, I knew I wanted to join and learn from the talented software engineers here and contribute to meaningful software-based projects.

Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

Due to the time zone differences, I typically wake up at 8am and check my emails, then get some smaller tasks done or complete anything from the day prior. At 11am local time we have the daily morning standups where I and the team discuss where we are at and what tasks we have to complete for the day, I then work until 12 pm and have my lunch (Chipotle is a favorite). For the rest of the day I work on my projects until I clock out!


Meet Joel Lee II! Summer 2024 Holland Transportation Technology (HoTT) Intern










Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

Third year student studying mechanical engineering and pastoral leadership. Played collegiate football. Founded and am president of our ASME student chapter. I lead two Bible studies and one small group on campus. Some hobbies include weightlifting, beekeeping, reading, traveling (22 states and 11 countries!), golfing, and playing games with friends. 

 Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

I knew Chris Roberts growing up, so when HoTT was looking for its first intern in over a decade I knew it would be a great experience with much to offer! I like the prospect of a medium-sized company where I would not be the only intern and I would also get to meet and speak with executives on a regular, friendly basis. 

 Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

An average day consists of inspecting any incoming HoTT parts from shipping and verifying in IFS, Revising or creating drawings and CAD models for existing parts, and continuing work on designing a cycle testing rig for our Conversion Lock (72676). 


Meet Marc Rozendal! Summer 2024 Holland Equipment Business Unit (HEBU) Intern

Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I am going into my Junior year at Calvin University. I am double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. I enjoy being active and enjoying the great outdoors. I am a setter on
the volleyball team at Calvin University. In my free time I like to play sports, watch sports, hang out with my friends, go camping, and go hiking. I have worked as summer help for an electrician for the
past two and a half summers.

Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship?
I wanted to get some experience in the engineering field prior to taking some of the more mechanical engineering focused classes at school. This way I could get my feet wet and have a better understanding of the topics covered in class as well as make sure mechanical engineering was
something I enjoyed. I chose to apply at Holland because I have heard good experiences about others working there and my dad works at Holland as well.

Walk us through an average day of your internship.
On an average day, I get to the University Park office somewhere between 6:00 and 6:30 AM. The majority of my day is spent working on SolidWorks. My jobs include creating both models and drawings as well as checking and reviewing the drawings of other engineers in the department. My first project is taking the old AutoCAD drawings that are only in 2D and converting them to 3D models and then drawings in SolidWorks. After this project is completed, I will have another project that is more focused on manufacturing. If I’m not working on SolidWorks I’m probably out on the shop floor either looking at some of the manufactured parts or asking the shop guys some questions.


Meet Raghav Taneja! Summer 2024 Rail Measurement Systems and Services Intern

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I am a rising sophomore at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Computer Engineering and minoring in Statistics. I also enjoy traveling, as I have been to 10 different countries, and I hope to explore more. Additionally, I enjoy cooking, and I’m always looking for creative ways to expand my culinary repertoire. 

 Why did you choose Holland to apply for an internship? 

As someone who loves programming as well as exploring new ideas, I wanted to learn how the role of a Software Engineer comes into play outside of the traditional tech/software industry. When I learned about Holland’s track inspection devices, I was intrigued by the significance of technology in the rail industry. 

 Walk us through an average day of your internship. 

I begin working at 9 am, making further progress on any active tasks. Around 10 am, I join the daily RMSS standup meeting, where everyone goes around and shares progress on their work, as well as what they plan to accomplish that day. Shortly after standup, I usually meet one-on-one with one of my mentors. Depending on the day, it could either be testing and demonstrating my work, assigning a new task, or a simple check-in. After that, I work on my tasks and further my progress on my project, which is a data visualization program that aligns all four track data file types. Around noon, I take a brief lunch break and then get back to work. The rest of my day primarily consists of a cycle of coding, testing, and debugging. Near the end of the day, I’ll usually have another mentor meeting for either a demo or check-in. After that, I sign off for the day. 


Thank you to all of our interns for their continued hard work throughout the Summer! We’re looking forward to seeing all you accomplish in your future careers.